Please edit the table below with suggestions for meeting talk topics or if you would like to be a presenter.
Many topics will require more than one 20 minute talk.
Feel free to add a more specific topic than what's listed.
For example, Robot Programming could have a talk on Behavior Based Programming in general, then another on Behavior Based Programming for Arduino, then one for FPGAs, etc.
Topic | Presenter | Date |
3D Printing Basics | | |
3D Printing Tricks | | |
3D CAD Programs | Skye, Noah, Daryl | Multiple |
Schematic Capture and PCB Design Basics | | |
Open Source/Free/Low Cost Schematic and PCB Tool Summary | | |
Intro to KiCad | | |
Intro to Eagle | | |
PCB Design for Manufacturability | | |
Getting a PCB Fabricated for Hobbyists | | |
Getting a PCB Assembled for Hobbyists | | |
Laser Cutting Tricks | Chris Nichols | |
Creating Designs for Laser Cutting | Chris Nichols | |
Encoders | | |
Digital Electronics | | |
Analog Electronics | | |
Microcontroller Survey | | |
Microcontroller (specific ones) | | |
Intro to Arduino | | |
Use an Arduino to do X (endless supply of topics) | | |
Intro to Hobby Robotics (various topics here too!) | Jay Francis | |
Maker Faire | | |
Overview of Sensors | Skye? | |
Digital Filters | | |
Line following | | |
Have been presented
Topic | Presenter | Date | Link |
Survey of Hobby Robots and Kits | Jay Francis | March 2015 | Survey |
Laser Cutting Basics | Chris Nichols | March 2015 | Missing |
Getting PCBs Made | Joe Rothweiler | Apr 2015 | 150419pcb.pdf(0.5MB) |
Shenzhen Lithium Polymer Battery Factory | Jay Francis | Apr 2015 | Photos/Talk |
Visit to Creation Station - Westford MA | Chris Nichols | May 2015 | Field Trip |
What is an IMU | Skye Sweeney | June 2015 | IMU |
So You Have This Cool New Robot....What does it do? | Rich Maynard | July 2015 | Missing |
KiCad Demo - Open Source Schematic Capture and PCB Layout | Jay Francis | Aug 2015 | Demo |
3D CAD demo with Design Spark Mechanical | Daryl Gallatin | Sept 2015 | Demo |
3D CAD demo | Noah Schreiber | Oct 2015 | Demo |
What is an Operating System? | Skye Sweeney | Oct 2015 | OS |
Intro to Robot Operating System (ROS) | Bill Schreiber | Nov 2015 | Missing |
Buying Stuff from China | Jay Francis | Dec 2015 | Talk |
Real Time OS | Skye Sweeney | Jan 2016 | Real Time OS |
What's your favorite tool? | Everyone | Feb 2016 | Discussion |
The ESP8266 WiFi Module | Jay Francis | March 2016 | ESP8266 |
Intro to the FPGA | Skye Sweeney | Apr 2016 | FPGA |
Surface mount PCB assembly demonstration | Jay Francis | May 2016 | Demo |
Finite State Machines | Skye Sweeney | June 2016 | Finite State Machines |
Robots and the Cloud | Bill Schreiber | July 2016 | Missing |
Robot networking: and the ESP8266 | Jay Francis / Paul Beaudet | Aug 2016 | NRB-socket-io |
Telemetry: TCP/IP, UDP, Problems and Solutions | Josh Rosen | Sept 2016 | Missing |
Intro to GPS | Skye Sweeney | Oct 2016 | GPS Overview |
2020 Bot | Jay Francis | Nov 2016 | Active blog project |
Swap Fest | Everyone | Dec 2016 | Had to be there... |
Tic-Tac-No: The Unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe AI | Alex Rutfield | Jan 2017 | Missing |
IOT and Machine Learning | Bill Schreiber | Feb 2017 | Missing |
Easy Speech Synthesis and Voice Recognition for Robotics using the Audeme Movi Shield | Rich Maynard | Mar 2017 | Missing |
IR Proximity Sensing | Jay Francis | April 2017 | IR Proximity Sensing Arduino code |
Intro to PID Loops | Skye Sweeney | May 2017 | Intro to PID loops Arduino code |
Intel Euclid | Jay Francis | June 2017 | Slides and Demo |
NRB Challenges | Jay Francis | July 2017 | HBRC Document for Inspirations TableBot Example Maze Challenge Example |
Lunar/Mars Lander Mechatronic Game | Joe McDermott | Aug 2017a | |
Low Cost Cameras | Joe Rothweiler | Aug 2017b | 1708cameras.pdf(5.4MB) |
DC Motors | Skye Sweeney | Sept 2017 | Zen and the Art of DC Motors |
Various Demos | Various | Oct 2017 | |
Magnetometers | Skye Sweeney | Nov 2017 | Magnetometers Arduino code |
Driving Straight and Turning with the MPU-6050 | Jay Francis | Dec 2017 | Presentation (Arduino Code Coming Soon) |
William Grey Walter's Turtles | Rich Maynard | Jan 2018 | |
Naive Bayes Machine Learning | Bill Schreiber | Feb 2018 | |
Complementary Filters | Skye Sweeney | Mar 2018 | Presentation |
Recommendation Engine: Figuring Out What Your Friends Like | Bill Schreiber | April 2018 | |
IR Beacon | Skye Sweeney | May 2018 | Presentation Arduino code |
Surface mount soldering tips and tricks | Jay Francis | June 2018 | Presentation |
Acoustic Ranging | Joe Rothweiler | July 2018 | 1807ranging.pdf(2.2MB) |
ESP32 Hardware Overview | Jay Francis | August 2018 | Presentation |
Shenzhenium - Bluepill and other Chinese PCBs | Joe Rothweiler | May 2019 | |
Sumo Bot demo and experiences at MakeIt Fest and Fun with OpenCV | Various | June 2019 | |
Sumo 2020 Bot with ESP32 and FreeRTOS | Joe McDermott | July 2019 | |
Kalman Filter | Skye Sweeney | August 2019 | |
Miscellaneous information from various meetings