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Please edit the table below with suggestions for meeting talk topics or if you would like to be a presenter. Many topics will require more than one 20 minute talk.

Feel free to add a more specific topic than what's listed.

For example, Robot Programming could have a talk on Behavior Based Programming in general, then another on Behavior Based Programming for Arduino, then one for FPGAs, etc.

3D Printing Basics  
3D Printing Tricks  
3D CAD ProgramsSkye, Noah, DarylMultiple
Schematic Capture and PCB Design Basics  
Open Source/Free/Low Cost Schematic and PCB Tool Summary  
Intro to KiCad  
Intro to Eagle  
PCB Design for Manufacturability  
Getting a PCB Fabricated for Hobbyists  
Getting a PCB Assembled for Hobbyists  
Laser Cutting TricksChris Nichols 
Creating Designs for Laser CuttingChris Nichols 
Digital Electronics  
Analog Electronics  
Microcontroller Survey  
Microcontroller (specific ones)  
Intro to Arduino  
Use an Arduino to do X (endless supply of topics)  
Intro to Hobby Robotics (various topics here too!)Jay Francis 
Maker Faire  
Overview of SensorsSkye? 
Digital Filters  
Line following  

Have been presented

Survey of Hobby Robots and KitsJay FrancisMarch 2015Survey
Laser Cutting BasicsChris NicholsMarch 2015Missing
Getting PCBs MadeJoe RothweilerApr 2015150419pcb.pdf(0.5MB)
Shenzhen Lithium Polymer Battery FactoryJay FrancisApr 2015Photos/Talk
Visit to Creation Station - Westford MAChris NicholsMay 2015Field Trip
What is an IMUSkye SweeneyJune 2015IMU
So You Have This Cool New Robot....What does it do?Rich MaynardJuly 2015Missing
KiCad Demo - Open Source Schematic Capture and PCB LayoutJay FrancisAug 2015Demo
3D CAD demo with Design Spark MechanicalDaryl GallatinSept 2015Demo
3D CAD demoNoah SchreiberOct 2015Demo
What is an Operating System?Skye SweeneyOct 2015OS
Intro to Robot Operating System (ROS)Bill SchreiberNov 2015Missing
Buying Stuff from ChinaJay FrancisDec 2015Talk
Real Time OSSkye SweeneyJan 2016Real Time OS
What's your favorite tool?EveryoneFeb 2016Discussion
The ESP8266 WiFi ModuleJay FrancisMarch 2016ESP8266
Intro to the FPGASkye SweeneyApr 2016FPGA
Surface mount PCB assembly demonstrationJay FrancisMay 2016Demo
Finite State MachinesSkye SweeneyJune 2016Finite State Machines
Robots and the CloudBill SchreiberJuly 2016Missing
Robot networking: and the ESP8266Jay Francis / Paul BeaudetAug 2016NRB-socket-io
Telemetry: TCP/IP, UDP, Problems and SolutionsJosh RosenSept 2016Missing
Intro to GPSSkye SweeneyOct 2016GPS Overview
2020 BotJay FrancisNov 2016Active blog project
Swap FestEveryoneDec 2016Had to be there...
Tic-Tac-No: The Unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe AIAlex RutfieldJan 2017Missing
IOT and Machine LearningBill SchreiberFeb 2017Missing
Easy Speech Synthesis and Voice Recognition for Robotics using the Audeme Movi ShieldRich MaynardMar 2017Missing
IR Proximity SensingJay FrancisApril 2017IR Proximity Sensing Arduino code
Intro to PID LoopsSkye SweeneyMay 2017Intro to PID loops Arduino code
Intel EuclidJay FrancisJune 2017Slides and Demo
NRB ChallengesJay FrancisJuly 2017HBRC Document for Inspirations TableBot Example Maze Challenge Example
Lunar/Mars Lander Mechatronic GameJoe McDermottAug 2017a 
Low Cost CamerasJoe RothweilerAug 2017b1708cameras.pdf(5.4MB)
DC MotorsSkye SweeneySept 2017Zen and the Art of DC Motors
Various DemosVariousOct 2017 
MagnetometersSkye SweeneyNov 2017Magnetometers Arduino code
Driving Straight and Turning with the MPU-6050Jay FrancisDec 2017Presentation (Arduino Code Coming Soon)
William Grey Walter's TurtlesRich MaynardJan 2018 
Naive Bayes Machine LearningBill SchreiberFeb 2018 
Complementary FiltersSkye SweeneyMar 2018Presentation
Recommendation Engine: Figuring Out What Your Friends LikeBill SchreiberApril 2018 
IR BeaconSkye SweeneyMay 2018Presentation Arduino code
Surface mount soldering tips and tricksJay FrancisJune 2018Presentation
Acoustic RangingJoe RothweilerJuly 20181807ranging.pdf(2.2MB)
ESP32 Hardware OverviewJay FrancisAugust 2018Presentation
Shenzhenium - Bluepill and other Chinese PCBsJoe RothweilerMay 2019
Sumo Bot demo and experiences at MakeIt Fest and Fun with OpenCVVariousJune 2019 
Sumo 2020 Bot with ESP32 and FreeRTOSJoe McDermottJuly 2019 
Kalman FilterSkye SweeneyAugust 2019

Miscellaneous information from various meetings

Know your sensorSkye SweeneyOct 2017Line Sensor Analysis Video of testing
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Page last modified on August 20, 2019, at 09:37 PM