The StarterBot - A Club Project: (go there now!)
Once we got over being "celebrities", we started a very interesting
discussion on what the club should be able to offer new members. Since we hope to attract new people with the newspaper article, we thought the best thing we could offer would be a complete "Starter Package". The
entire package would be available on one (or more) 3.5" floppy disks. The disk would contain all the information and software necessary to build and program a basic (but expandable!) robot. Some of the contents could be:
Schematic Diagrams Mechanical Drawings Bill Of Materials Approved Vendor List
Assembly Instructions Software Example Code Reference Materials
We want people to be able to build
this "StarterBot" for less than $100. Our current thouqhts involve using a Basic Stamp processor, and hobby servos for motors.
All this is preliminary and ideas or suggestions are extremely welcome!
Potential Meeting Date Change:
There are discussions underway about moving the club meetings to a weeknight. Please bring your comments and/or concerns to the next meeting, or forward them to the mailing list.
Next Month - The Practice Contest!:
We will attempt to have at least a partial contest setup at the next meeting. Bring your "ContestBots" and we'll see how things go! (see the contest rules in the January Newsletter)
John Cook Jay Francis Quentin Lewis Jim Shepherd