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Nashua Robot Builders (NRB) Newsletter June 2000 The NRB meet the fourth Saturday of each month at the Nashua Public Library in Nashua. (directions to the library)
Meetings start at 1pm.
You can find our web page at:
DATE: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 23:20:19 -0400
SUBJECT: [nrb] report on the september 2002 nrb meeting
We had an active meeting with very good attendance today!The attendance sheet lists: Sandy Eisenhandler, Chris Burian, Joe Rothweiler, Nanu Swamy, Bob Shannon, Bob Gorman, Jay Francis, Quentin Lewis, Joseph Ebbs, Aaron Conti, Naveena Swamy, and me, Michael Pettengill aka mulp.For those who were unable to make the meeting and as a reminder for those who did attend, I'm putting to "pen" the following: (in no particular order - in other words, I'm rambling....)DETAILS Mailing List managementThe mailing list is managed by a robot called ezmlm. See the end of this message for how one interacts with the list manager.Web siteThe new web site is but Quentin needs the ftp account and password info to put the pages up.CALENDAR HosstradersReminder, next weekend is Hosstraders in Hopkinton State Fairground - see for details. Note the event starts on Friday morning at 9am, runs through the night, and ends Saturday.Robotech Center OpeningLook for an article on RobotechCenter in the Nashua Telegraph and the grand opening on Oct 10th and 12th. More info on the opening will be forthcoming. or is an exciting new venture put together by Naveena and Nanu Swamy, with help from Jay.Naveena reported that Mindstorm marketing has been convinced by their experience with their summer camp "prototype" to lower the age range to age 9+. I'm increasingly convinced that the "oughts" ('00s) will be the decade of robots or robotics, like the 80s are known for PCs and the 90s for the net. I wouldn't expect this decade to be driven by "innovative" corporations any more than the PC or net were. It's going to be the grass roots efforts, the fun, but not necessarily profitable, ventures that create foundation the next wave of change.nrb meeting scheduleThe nrb schedule for the rest of 2002 isOctober 26, 2002 November 23, 2002 (Thanksgiving is the 28th)December 28, 2002 (Christmas is the preceding Wednesday, New Years eve isthe following Tuesday)CLUB ACTIVITIES Mini SumoWe have at least one committed sumo robot builder in the group, so if you have an interest in such competition, focus on the mini sumo class, competing on the 30 inch ring. Chris Burian will try to get his list of links out to the list, but I'm sure that he will find more joy in responding to queries and comments, (at least I find myself responding to interesting questions and topics first and putting off writing papers for my classes to the last moment). Send queries and comments to the list to awaken theinterest of others....SwapIn the past, members have brought excess parts to swap; let's resume the practice. As you're pawing through your junk boxes, or even your primeparts bins, look out for odd, but useful items that you've been meaning to find a use for a year or five, or you just can't bear to throw it out, but don't know what you'd use if for, set it aside and bring it to the next meeting. The only rule has to be that if you bring something, you have to make sure that it goes home with someone - we don't want to incur the wrath of the library by leaving behind junk they have to pay to dispose of.
JOB FRONTRobotics Engineer NH Hanover Full Time mulp - Chief JOAT and former cluster busterMichael Pettengill