Nashua Robot Builders Website
June 00

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Nashua Robot Builders (NRB) Newsletter

June 2000

The NRB meet the fourth Saturday of each month at the Nashua Public Library in Nashua. (directions to the library)

Meetings start at 1pm.

You can find our web page at:

In this issue:
   Where do you live poll results
   Show and Tell
   Club Futures
     Next Meeting


Since I was sort of surprised by the meeting date coming up so quickly, I forgot to get the meeting notice out early. I sent it out only last night, and appologize to everyone for that.

Because of this, attendance was quite small for this meeting. (and so this newsletter will be quite short as well.)

Where do you live POLL results:
Rich Maynard sent out an email thios month asking members where they lived. This was done to find out where the geographic center of the club lies, and to figure out if there might be a better place to hold meetings.

The results were sort of dissapointing, with only 9 people responding. It showed that about 60% of those who responded lived in Massachusetts, with the remaining 40% living in New Hampshire.

The dissapointing part of the poll to me was the low turn-out. I know there are more members than that!

I have been a little lax this month. I have not yet set-up our egroups space. I will try and do so this month.

Show and Tell:
Rich brought a robot arm, and worked to pick-up quarters on the table. He succeeded, and says that he will probably be grafting this onto a robot base that he is currently working on.

Quentin brought his robot from the Maximum Area Coverage contest. He tried a demo, but the table sensors were not adjusted correctly, and it would incorrectly detect a table edge when it wasn’t anywhere in sight. Quentin also brought his DC motor w/Tachometer controller. It is based on a PIC12C508, and will be used on his fire fighting robot.

Club Future:
We had alot of discussion around the Trinity Fire Fighting Robot contest, and how the club might somehow work as a team(s) to enter it. Some people could work on one robot, while others might just work together sharing ideas while building their own robot.

There seemed to be a general concensus (among the few at the meeting) that the Trinity Contest was something that the club should be involved in....and perhaps running our own similar contest also.

Next Meeting:
The Library will be closed in July and August, we will have to meet elsewhere if we want a club meeting. (does this sound like an excuse for a BBQ, or what? ;-)

More information on this via email.

Mike Wireman (new attendee)
Rich Maynard
Quentin Lewis

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